
I am a former women’s clothing store owner turned full-time rider and writer. Follow along as I share everything I love about horses, style and beauty. I am also an obsessed Royal Watcher and Denver Broncos Fan.

Supplement Hero or Zero: Farrier's Formula

Supplement Hero or Zero: Farrier's Formula

What are the building blocks of a great hoof supplement? What makes one supplement work better than another? These are all valid questions and it would take a PhD in nutrition and science to adequately answer these, not to mention it would probably put you (and me) to sleep. So instead I am going to offer the Cliffs Notes version and share my favorite hoof supplement based on observations from my own horses.

Horses need a variety of nutrients in their diet to help grow strong, healthy hooves. Typical hoof supplements include nutrients that are found within the hoof in attempt to complement their composition and help grow healthy hooves. You will often see key amino acids (the building blocks of protein) for hoof health, zinc and copper because they are essential to good hoof quality and increasing tensile strength and biotin (the most researched vitamin) to help with growth rate and hoof wall strength. Omega Fatty Acids are often included to help give the outer layer of the hoof wall it’s slick shine a feel that in turn help seal moisture deeper in the hoof while also sealing out excess moisture from mud and water.

Now that we know some of the key ingredients to look for I am going to talk about Farrier’s Formula and if it is a hero or zero. I have used hoof supplements for years without really knowing if they worked/helped at all. My horse Shooter is part thoroughbred and inherited their notoriously horrible feet so, he has been on a variety of hoof supplements that never really made much difference. After seeing Farrier’s Formula for years I thought let’s give it a try.

Farrier's Formula is validated through independent university research, and the #1 recommended hoof supplement by farriers for 12 consecutive years. It provides a comprehensive selection of nutrients for the health of the hoof, skin, and coat. It is formulated to provide nutrients such as phospholipids, omega fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and important amino acid “protein building blocks” in the correct balance and ratio. These required nutrients assist in building strong connective tissue proteins important for healthy hoof structure and growth. It also promotes strong and fast growth of the hoof wall, sole, frog, and heel. Farrier’s Formula provides proper nutrition to “grow out” wall cracks, strengthen and thicken the hoof wall and sole, reduce the likelihood of microbial invasions and bruising, and assist with laminitis recovery. Farrier’s Formula also promotes a glossy more deeply colored coat and strengthened connective tissues of the joints and ligaments.

But does it work?

I can honestly answer that, yes it absolutely works! My horses have been on it for almost 2 years and their feet look amazing. Within a few months I noticed how hard and strong their hooves felt with much less chipping and cracks. My farrier and I are always amazed how much hoof they grow between their trims and no matter the weather (hot/dry or frozen or wet/muddy) their hooves maintain their strength. It is truly the only hoof supplement where I was able to tell it was making a difference. I like how it contains a well-researched balance of necessary minerals and amino acids that directly contribute to growing strong, healthy hooves. Hands down, it is a supplement hero!

This easy-to-feed (picky eater approved) pellet comes in two versions Farrier’s Formula and Farrier’s Formula Double Strength. We feed the Double Strength because it is a concentrated pellet that lasts longer (very helpful when you are feeding it to 4 horses). You can purchase it from a variety of horse retailers but I order it from SmartPak so I can have it auto-shipped. You can read more about Farrier’s Formula at Life Data Lab’s website.

Farrier’s Formula is definitely a hero!

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