
I am a former women’s clothing store owner turned full-time rider and writer. Follow along as I share everything I love about horses, style and beauty. I am also an obsessed Royal Watcher and Denver Broncos Fan.

Supplement Hero or Zero: Flax Seed

Supplement Hero or Zero: Flax Seed


Over the years I have tried what feels like a million supplements for my horses to help a wide variety of issues and thru this blog I will share what has worked, is currently working and what just doesn’t in my Supplement Hero or Zero posts.

My show horse Shooter is allergic to fly bites and breaks out in small bumps all over his body as soon as the flies come out and stays covered in bumps until the first freeze. In the past I have treated this by using a fly sheet during turnout, using lots of flyspray and using a fly repellant supplement with only mixed results. My wonderful vet recommended giving him Flax Seed after she saw it work wonders for another patient. Flax Seed has been a supplement hero and has significantly helped Shooter. Within a few weeks of use the number of bumps was reduced and continued to stay that way all summer. This is his second summer on daily flax seed and he looks like a different horse with just a few bumps here and there. It also legal to use while showing (unlike antihistamines which are a banned substance at Quarter Horse Shows).

Flax Seed Lowdown:

Studies have shown it helps horses with allergies and skin conditions

Has immune regulating abilities

Is anti-inflammatory

Aids in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E and K) as well as fat soluble nutrients like turmeric and resveratrol

Improves skin and hair coat and body condition

Reduces excitability and can help alleviate osteoarthritis

Low in sugar and starch

Contains an average of 40% fat and is one of the few vegetable sources of Omega -3 Fatty Acids

Contains 30% highly digestible fiber and 20% protein

I use Simply Flax by MannaPro and you can order it from SmartPak, Valley Vet, Tractor Supply and Amazon. Shooter gets 3 ounces a day (sometimes 4 when the flies are really bad) sprinkled on his grain and he eats it up. You can feed up to 8 ounces a day but 3-4 seems to maintain my horse.

Beauty and The Beast: Luscious Locks

Beauty and The Beast: Luscious Locks

Bye Bye Flies

Bye Bye Flies