Blanket Fix: NoSo Patches
Spring is here! Even though we are still having cold nights and cool days mixed in with warmer spring-like temps, I have decided I am done using the horse blankets and have transitioned my horses to their mid-weight blankets (when needed). That means it is time to wash, fix and put away all the blankets. This winter my horses have been really hard on their blankets and I have had quite a few holes to patch and seams to glue down. In the past I have stitched up any holes but it always seems like a part-time fix and the seams eventually rip again.
Earlier in the winter Shooter came in from turnout with two decent sized tears in his blanket (one that had been previously stitched but did not hold) and I figured I needed to find a better solution or buy a new blanket. I decided to try NoSo Patches to fix the holes and if that didn’t work I would just get him a new blanket.
NoSo Patches were invented by Kelli Jones when she ripped her new, expensive Patagonia parka and wanted to find something other than duct tape to fix it. She sourced the perfect materials to create super durable, flexible, lightweight and waterproof patches that essentially just peel and stick, creating the perfect bond. These patches come in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors and patterns and easily fix horse blanket holes.
I chose two of the large patches (6 inches x 3.5 inches) to use on Shooter’s blanket. I then followed the super easy instructions and voila, the blanket was hole free. But the question is, would they last thru wear, tear, mud, dirt and multiple washings?
The super easy directions for applying the NoSo Patches
The answer is a resounding yes! These mighty, little patches are awesome! They look just like they day I applied them and let me tell you, Shooter puts his clothes thru the ringer. He lets the other horses bite and chew on his blanket, rubs his blanket along the fence and rolls every day in the dirt, mud, manure and/or shavings. Because he likes to get his blanket dirty and I hate dirty blankets, it gets washed at least once a week. The patches created the perfect seal and there is no wrinkling and the edges are not curling or lifting up. The only downside to the NoSo Patches is that they don’t come any larger than the 6 inch x 3.5 inch and if you have a large hole you may need to combine a few to make it work. You can order them online at and they range in price from $9.99-$19.99.
Thanks to NoSo Patches Shooter won’t need a new blanket. You can see the patch above completely covered up and sealed the hole in his blanket.